Reduced overheads from expert advice.

Gillian Sims
Nova Midwifery Care

Reduced overheads from expert advice.

Gillian Sims
Nova Midwifery Care

Client Story

Nova Midwifery Care

When you are pregnant, continuity of care and the best advice are crucial requirements from your midwife…and exactly the same is true, it seems for the midwife! For Gillian Sims continuity of financial care for her business comes from the team at Ingham Mora team and it’s a level of care and support that Gillian values highly.


When you’re starting out in business having a father as an accountant must be pretty handy. It certainly was for Gillian Sims when she set out to establish her own midwifery business and for several years having that financial support from her Dad was perfect. Then a change of circumstances necessitated change…for good.

“Dad got a series of promotions and became a CFO of a large company. I was getting emails from him at all hours of the night as he was doing my accounts. So, one day I just said ‘Dad you’re working too hard’. So I have decided to make the leap to finding someone else to be my accountant.”

Gillian went on a google search and came across Ingham Mora.

“They looked established and after my first point of contact I felt very reassured that they would be able to look after me. The team seemed to really understand me and supported my desire to move my accounts from my father to a new trusted advisor.”

Embracing growth with INNOVATION

Taking an innovative approach to her midwifery business means Gillian often steps out of her comfort zone. She was among the first of local midwives to establish a website to promote her maternity care services and then a few years ago took another innovative approach to where she would set up her clinic.

“It was borne out of necessity really. We all need work space to run our ante natal clinics. Most pay for professional rooms somewhere and it can be big money. I just thought, there must be another option. So, instead of paying someone else, I decided to set up my clinic on my own property.”

Gillian’s bespoke ‘ecopod’ is a fully insulated, double glazed and refurbished custom container that she has positioned on her property in Mount Maunganui.   “It works beautifully. It’s a great space for my clients and nice and handy and comfortable for me to operate from. It reduces my overheads and has allowed me to do it my way and better.”

In defining the best options for her ecopod and business structure Gillian relied heavily on advice from her trusted advisory team of her bank manager and accountant and the advice paid off.

“My bank manager helped me get the wheels in motion. Then I sought advice from Ingham Mora in terms of what my options might be for purchasing an ecopod and running it. Their advice really helped me navigate the pros and cons of each option.”


Key Services Used


Accounting & Tax Services

Life Cycle Stage


Business as Usual


Traversing the financial logistics and nitty gritty of running a growing and successful business always presents challenges for business owners. For Gillian, having the support and advice of Ingham Mora has meant she can more clearly asses the pros and cons of each option by better understanding the finer details.

“When I meet with Alice and the team, they take the time to hear me out. It feels like they take a personal interest and then they explain some of the more complex financial implications of what I am doing or planning. What Ingham Mora has ultimately given me is the best advice for me personally and professionally.”

For Gillian it’s about being able to trust that the advice she is getting from Ingham Mora is the best for her.

“I suppose it’s just knowing that when I have big decisions to make that have significant financial implications that they are approachable. There’s a familiarity that’s there. They’re familiar with the decisions I’ve made to date and the innovative way I approach my business so anything we do now maintains that continuity. Their expertise allows me to get on with my business”

“What Ingham Mora has ultimately given me is the best advice for me personally and professionally.”


How Ingham Mora Has Made a Difference to Nova

  • Advice and support on establishing an antenatal clinic
  • Advice on the financial implications of business plans
  • The best professional and personal advice