If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Create a business plan and unlock your potential.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Create a business plan and unlock your potential.


New to Business




Business as usual


Planning to exit

Business Planning For Tauranga & Bay of Plenty Business

More time, more money, less stress - does that sound good to you?

It is important to work ON your business, not just IN it. Successful businesses all need a plan and we want to help you achieve success. Success to you might mean more money in the bank, more time to spend with family or the ability to relax without work being the first thought to pop in your head.

What’s involved?

A four-hour planning session that will cover key issues:

  • Discussing and setting both personal and business goals for the next 12 months.
  • Discussing and agreeing on an action plan with strategies to support the achievement of goals.
  • Identification of Gross Revenue Targets and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
  • Identification of opportunities and vulnerabilities in your business that needs to be managed.
  • Establishment of a 90-Day Action Plan to address immediate critical issues.
  • Get to the heart and soul of your business.

Want to take your business plan further?

Book a FREE 30 minute chat

The Benefits


More Time

Achieve more by focusing on what matters


More Money

Clear goals to maximise business performance


Less Stress

Worry less knowing you have a plan in place

Talk to us about a Business Planning session