Try us before you buy us.
Try us before you buy us.

Free Chat With Coffee

We enjoy helping our clients (and potential clients) to develop, improve and grow their businesses.

We believe it’s important to spend time working on your business, not in it. Taking time out to discuss what is happening in your business allows you to gain clarity about your future direction. That’s where we come in.

We offer a complimentary 30 minute introduction meeting to non-clients to explore how we can best help you. This meeting gives you an opportunity to meet with us on a no charge, no obligation basis to discuss any of the following:

  1. Services you require for your personal tax needs.
  2. Your goals for your business and how you plan to achieve them.
  3. How your business goals tie in with your personal and lifestyle goals.
  4. Issues or challenges you’re facing in your business e.g. cashflow, growth, asset protection, profitability, or how you plan to exit or sell your business.
  5. How we can work with you to address these issues and plans.

You will meet with a senior team member who’ll review your unique situation and discuss how you might like us to support you going forward.

Following the meeting (if appropriate) we’ll prepare a proposal with upfront pricing for any services that you may be interested in.

If you’re keen to improve your financial results but don’t feel you’re currently receiving the support you need, call us today or fill out the form below to book a free meeting.

* If you are looking to book a free xero support session, please use our booking form here.

    Do you have an accountant at present?*

    Are you looking to change or engage an accountant?*

    Are you wanting one-off advice?*

    By ticking this box, I understand that this free meeting is a chance to discuss my needs and see if Ingham Mora are suitable. The accountant will not be able to provide any accounting advice during this session.

    “We are participating in some financial awareness training with Ingham Mora to help us focus and better understand the big picture around our business and our financials. Having that resource also available within the Ingham Mora offerings takes it from just being an accountancy firm to a fully immersed financial and business development partner for our business.”

    David & Julie Hayes
